目前分類:娛樂 (5)

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Angel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

Today was a cold  day. The temperture was about 12 degrees.
Now Is a summer season. I don't understood........Why ?????

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Tonight I saw a nice moivie that name called "Nine Months".

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My Swiss roommate and I went shopping in the afternoon at the Metrotown that is a bigest mall in the world.

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學校今天選了十二位學生要拍明年度學校的招生目錄,因為要選來自不同國家的學生,我就被選上了,花了三十分鐘拍照,學校提供每個同學 CAD20的禮卷。真還不錯。

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